Occupational Therapy Services for Children

The Occupational Therapy sessions consist of fun, safe and challenging therapeutic activities in your home, at a park, daycare, church – in your family’s natural environment.

Little Child Girl Playing At Playground Outdoors
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Child in occupational therapy session
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What is Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

As an OT I primarily address fine motor, gross motor, oral motor, sensory issues and concerns related to muscle weakness, poor trunk control, muscle stiffness, posture /positioning, grasping/manipulation, endurance and ADLs & functional tasks like washing hands, eating, drawing etc.

I also help babies, toddlers & children with head control and with learning how to roll, sit up, crawl, walk on various surfaces, holding objects and manipulating/ playing with toys. If your child has balance and coordination issues the entire therapy session may take place on a playground. I also help children to learn to process sensory input rather than ignore or be overwhelmed by it. Secondarily I work on language, behavior, attention span, social interaction and cognition.

Conditions/Concerns That Benefit From Occupational Therapy: